All the animals are ready to be adopted to the 🇺🇸. The preparation time is 1 week to make the documents for travelling. To select an animal ready to travel to the 🇪🇺, please use the filter feature.

Laginha Ana

Sexo: fêmea

Era: 10 anos, 8 meses

Tamanho: média

Peso: 10 kg

Patrocinado por: Karyn

Laginha Ana

A história dela

My name is Laginha Ana because I was rescued at Laginha Beach, the beach of Mindelo, upon a call of Ana, Simabo’s volunteer at that time.

This is why my name is Laginha Ana! I was taken to Silvia’s house, but as the place was already overcrowded with rescued dogs, I was “parked” in the entrance of her house, down the stairs. Next morning, when Silvia got up and came to see me, she wondered about the 2 big pieces of black rubber laying beside me, and… it was not rubber but thick and hard fish skin! Silvia couldn’t believe that such a small dog like me could have eaten such a horrible dinner, but I was so hungry, I had! And due to the accident, I had vomited it! Luckily enough I would say!

Now I have been at the shelter for a long time, and I am sponsored by Karin Perez, who was volunteering here and fell in love with me! Thank you Karin for taking care of me!

Laginha Ana precisa da sua ajuda

Podes apadrinhar Laginha Ana.

Preenche o formulário para doações (podes utilizar cartão de crédito ou Paypal). Seleciona “Escreve-nos um comentário"" e escreve o nome Laginha Ana

A que se destinam a tuas doações::

  • €14 cobrem as despesas de uma semana;
  • €27 cobrem as despesas de alimentação durante um mês;
  • €39 cobrem os custos de alimentação e logística durante um mês;
  • €68 cobrem todos os custos do animal durante um mês;
  • €87 financia os custos totais e qualquer despesa veterinária durante um mês;
  • qualquer outra quantia será de grande ajuda para outro animal do nosso abrigo.

Se quiseres obter mais informações sobre o apadrinhamento ou se preferires utilizar um método de pagamento diferente, visita a nossa página de apadrinhamento

Book a room in our hostel

The Hostel finances our ONG Simabo, which takes care of the street dogs of the island.